Monday, February 7, 2011

Book trailer: Diamond Eyes

You can read the book review at The Fringe Magazine .

This book trailer is a good example of what a book trailer can accomplish through music, graphics, photos and illustrations. It is more than a sum of it's parts for it opens the door with a friendly wave into the protagonist's dark world and compelling obstacles. The music is chromatic which conveys the feeling of mystery. Words define the protagonist: a young blind woman who can solve crimes!

P.S. I would like to know which book trailers have caught your attention.


  1. That was very cool. I especially liked the Braille. I haven't seen too many video book trailers, so I really can't say what my favourite would be.

  2. I believe this book trailer raises the bar very high for other trailers. I like the braille too. I will be posting more book trailers in the future. Frieda, you have good taste! :)

  3. This is completely new to me, and interesting because when I actually finish my book I guess I'm going to need one of these babies. I may be knocking on your 'blog door' for help ;) Consider yourself prepared ;) Shah .X

  4. P.S: just had a nose around and found book-trailers dot net which I have bookmarked. It has a few okay ones, but your choice here - you are correct - sets the bar! Shah .X

  5. Hello Shah! I would be glad to help you when you are ready to make your book trailer! Thanks. :D

    Thanks for the link. I would like to check out

    Diamond Eyes really, sets the bar high! Music composed, graphics, illustrations, gorgeous photos, all set the tone and help tell the story.
